Ozone Therapy
ozonotherapyIt is a treatment method using ozone gas. Ozone gas is a transparent, colorless gas consisting of three oxygen atoms. It has a unique smell. You've probably heard the term "ozone layer". In the natural environment, the ozone layer is located at the top of the stratosphere. The ozone layer protects our world from the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun. Ultraviolet rays are deadly rays for humans. If the ozone layer did not block ultraviolet rays, there would be no life on earth. The ozone layer is the filter that preserves life.
Mankind has damaged the ozone layer as well as destroying everything in the world. Chemical gases used in the industry destroyed the structure of the ozone layer and the holes in the ozone layer started to be mentioned. As a result of the depletion of the ozone layer, more harmful ultraviolet rays began to reach the earth. This, in turn, has caused skin burns, cancers and weakened immune systems.
Medical ozone is different from natural ozone; It is formed by mixing pure ozone and pure oxygen at a certain rate. The obtained medical ozone is given to the patient in certain doses. Just like in drugs, there are different dose applications for each disease in ozone applications. The same dose is not given to every patient and every disease. Your doctor will decide on the appropriate ozone dose for your disease.
Ozone therapy is applied with different techniques. There are many ozone application methods such as intramuscular injections, intraarticular injections, direct ozone applications to open wounds and rectal applications, in addition to the applications made through the blood called major autohemotherapy. Your doctor will determine the method that is suitable for you before treatment.